Monday, October 07, 2013

WA Housing Centre First Home Ownership

WA Housing Centre First Home Ownership from Juan Zubiaga on Vimeo.

This is the latest TVC that I did at John Cheese, I used Maya and Arnold for render. I did the models, book rigs, animation and lighting. Stephen Grant did the storyboards and all the Texture work and Walter Cheung the final comp.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Child Care Rebate TVC

Child Care Rebate from Juan Zubiaga on Vimeo.

I did the model, shader and lighting of the Train and Text. A different Post-production studio did an older version, but the client and agency change the text and content so they give us the new changes to us at John Cheese. I model, texture and light the train using the original video as a reference. Render with Mental Ray.

RARE Logo Animation

Rare Logo from Juan Zubiaga on Vimeo.

This is an animation that I did for our friends of Rare creative agency

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Helicopter Arnold/Nuke Exercise

Helicopter Arnold/Nuke Exercise from Juan Zubiaga on Vimeo.

The footage is from a fxphd VRAY training class. But I used to test the Arnold-Nuke pipeline. I tracked the shot in Nuke; the model of the helicopter was provided by fxphd; I did the textures, shaders, lighting, dust(maya fluids) with maya. Final render with Arnold(MTOA) and my final comp with Nuke 7. Conclusion Arnold Rocks!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

This is one of the latest illustration that I worked on at John Cheese. I did the AUD Notes and the particles. The chainsaw is a photo(I don't have the name of photographer). Final Retouch, James Hawkes. The art direction is from Block Branding(Mark Braddock).